2e (Twice Exceptional) Programs
Gifted children can also have learning and attentional difficulties (2e). These difficulties may include dyslexia (reading disorder), processing disorders, ASD, ADD/ADHD, and physical and emotional disorders. Failure to treat these difficulties may result in underachievement, behavioural issues and loss of motivation to learn, impacting on a child’s overall quality of life.
The Speech Language & Literacy Clinic understands the challenges faced by families with a 2e child. Our specialised online treatment programs provide the necessary support to help maximise your child’s inherent potential and overall academic performance at school.
Our tailored online programs can equip 2e learners with skills in:
- Phonological awareness
- Examination techniques (eg. Selective School Preparation)
- Reading Comprehension
- Mind mapping
- Essay writing techniques
- Planning, structuring and editing class assignments
Please contact our clinic for further information on our online specialist services.